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Gift & Gift Ideas from around the Internet!

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Simple Bounty Blog

Finding and Sharing great gifts & gift ideas from the vastness of the internet.

Cyber Monday!

Peter Flynn

Welcome to Cyber Monday  

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and survived the shopping you've already done over the weekend. Here at Simple Bounty, we're running a few promotions you can take advantage of, but here on Cyber Monday only you can get  free shipping on any order over $10 by using the code cyber16 at checkout!  

Happy Holidays!  

Let's Welcome Fall!

Peter Flynn

So fall is here, and with the change of seasons comes football, Oktoberfest, and apple season!  Let's see what goodies we have for this list:

You can also find more soaps, including a choose your own scent option at our Etsy store:

German Alpine Hat
Windy City Novelties
Buy on Amazon

Happy August!

Peter Flynn

It's August, the thick of summer, time of Leos and festivals.  Here's some birthday ideas for those you know who will be celebrating in the next few weeks:

Playful Animal Coin Stealing Piggy Bank
Sale Price: $19.99 Original Price: $22.99

This fun, electronic piggy bank has a button on the top, and when you set a coin on the button, an adorable panda or cat inside pops up, reaches out & grabs the coin for safe keeping!

Check it out here

(BTW, I checked & yes, while the Lion King Blu-Ray is a UK Import, it will play in US players!)

Gifts for the Geek in your life

Peter Flynn

If you know someone who is in to video games, comic books, tabletop games, or the like, but don't know which specific area they are obsessed with, it can be difficult to know which gift would be a good one for them.  These are some ideas to help narrow down you picks:

Almost anyone who plays video games has played some version of Zelda.  They would likely love to have their own Ocarina, a musical instrument that is key to the main character accomplishing his goals.  You can find it here: OCARINA

Most any geek who does tabletop gaming, like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Warhammer will often end up with a rather sizable collection of the dice used to play the games.  Funny thing is, they always love getting more... 

Role Playing Dice Set

For fans of Dungeons & Dragons and many other table top RPG's, these are the essentials.

If you know a role player, they are always excited to get new dice.  If you're just getting in to RPG's or are looking to introduce someone, these make a great gift!

Besides, you never know which dice are going to be the lucky ones...

Finally, for the comic book or movie lover, Deadpool tickles most anyone's funny bone:

Deadpool [Blu-ray]
Starring Ryan Reynolds, T.J. Miller, Ed Skrein, Karan Soni
Buy on Amazon

Electronics for Everyone

Peter Flynn

I admit it, I'm a gadget guy.  Give me a new gizmo, something fun to play with that expands the abilities of my other devices, or allows for even more sophisticated electronic interactions, and I can be distracted for hours at a time.

Here are some new and fun toys for you or someone who feels the way I do:

If you haven't had a chance to experience Amazon's Echo, it's a pretty transformative device.  Activated mainly by voice commands, it easily becomes the hub of your non-TV household.  I enjoy getting the news, having audiobooks be played, or having the ability to get basic facts and wikipedia info without having to be at a computer, turn on my phone, or even quit whatever task I'm doing; all I have to do is ask the Echo to do it for me:

The hands free accessibility of the Echo is amazing, but if your gift budget isn't at that level, connecting your phone to a bluetooth speaker with allow you to do many of the things I mentioned.  Check this one out from the Simple Bounty shop:

Bluetooth Multifunction Speaker

This modern looking speaker is a fun way to bring your audio to life without having to clutter the room up.  While it has the ability to connect wirelessly thru Bluetooth to your digital devices, it can also play audio via a line in port or from a SD card port.

It also features a FM radio, clock & alarm, and charges via mini-usb cord(not included, but it is the same type that powers Android phones & many other devices).

Before we leave the idea of audio devices, I also wanted to show the Bluetooth headphones @ the Simple Bounty shop: with a athletic inspired design they are great for a workout, or just a hands free way to listen to what you want to listen to on your phone/tablet/computer.

Bluetooth Headphones
Sale Price: $12.99 Original Price: $15.00

Finally, instead of audio, let's look at a device that displays info from your phone in a different way.  Just as the Echo changes how we interact with the internet & Amazon in our home, wearables like the Pebble smartwatch are changing how we view & control our smartphones.  Coming in both color & greyscale versions, the Pebble can feature multiple watchfaces, let's you see your emails and texts without opening your phone, and with different apps can keep you up to date on sports scores, the weather, and even control your music and Pandora apps:

July Birthdays are here!

Peter Flynn

One of the biggest reasons people look for gifts are birthdays, and with July upon us, I thought I'd list a few that match people born in this month:

Canvas Hip/Leg Bag
Sale Price: $21.99 Original Price: $27.99

Utilizing a different part of the body to carry items, this bag straps securely to your hip with straps around your waist and your leg.

Snug, it's many pockets multiplies your cargo capabilities, while keeping your hands free, and allows for greater air movement compared to a traditional backpack or satchel.

For the Outdoor Enthusiast

Peter Flynn

I have a brother who, like many, likes to spend time outdoors.  Whether it's kayaking, camping or a wilderness weekend, talking to him & seeing all the equipment that he uses has allowed me to find some good outdoors gifts:


Outdoor Crossbody Bags

Perfect for carrying those few extras during a run, walk, or hike, these bags are water resistant & feature 2 zippered pouches, a pocket on the outside of the bag, and a small pocket on the strap itself.

Adjustable to match your size, keeps your hands free during your activity!

Introducing another facet of Simple Bounty

Peter Flynn

When I started my business last year, the idea was to assist people in navigating the ever expanding volume of stuff to be found on the internet.  Sure, almost everything you might want is out there, but finding it can be difficult, especially at a good price.

So first I put together my Concierge search service at Search by Nuada, to allow people to hire me to find items or ideas they were looking for online.

As I would be looking for things, I wanted to help people who might need some gifts or gift ideas, so Simple Bounty was created, a place to have gift ideas available to buy at good prices.

Recently, I opened my Etsy store, to showcase handmade items made by myself & my associates, including made to order soap!

So, just as the information and items on the internet keep expanding, so do my ways to bring information and gift items to one place to make it easier to find what you're looking for.  The Simple Bounty Blog will provide announcements about new products available here & on the Etsy store, and also be a place where lists and ideas on gift topics can be found & searched.

Looking for a housewarming gift?  Maybe something for your boss or coworker, or taking part in a White Elephant gift exchange?  How about a gift for a pet?  Teenagers can be tricky sometimes to buy for... I'll be putting together suggestions for these and more, and you can find them here!