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Gifts for the Geek in your life

If you know someone who is in to video games, comic books, tabletop games, or the like, but don't know which specific area they are obsessed with, it can be difficult to know which gift would be a good one for them.  These are some ideas to help narrow down you picks:

Almost anyone who plays video games has played some version of Zelda.  They would likely love to have their own Ocarina, a musical instrument that is key to the main character accomplishing his goals.  You can find it here: OCARINA

Most any geek who does tabletop gaming, like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, or Warhammer will often end up with a rather sizable collection of the dice used to play the games.  Funny thing is, they always love getting more... 

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Finally, for the comic book or movie lover, Deadpool tickles most anyone's funny bone:

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